The Future’s Bright for Paralegal

Residential Conveyancing Paralegal, Molly Killa, is on her way to a promising future at Peter Lynn and Partners, and in this article, she outlines her journey, starting as a receptionist apprentice:
I started on an ACO Training Limited Apprenticeship, employed as Receptionist at Peter Lynn & Partners Solicitors.
I completed my apprenticeship in 2015, achieving an OCR NVQ Diploma Level 3 in Business Administration, an EDI Level 3 Technical Certificate in Business and Skills qualifications in Application of Number, Communication and ICT.
During the apprenticeship, I was able to gain confidence in my work performance and find career direction through the support of work colleagues, training advisors and assessors at ACO Training Limited.
On completion of my apprenticeship, I was offered a permanent role of Administration Support Clerk in the conveyancing department. The experience I gained on the apprenticeship allowed me to develop confidence in this role and helped me to apply the specialist skills required in the conveyancing department.
Since completing my apprenticeship, I have now progressed to a Paralegal role in the firm’s busy Conveyancing Department and I am continuing my studies by attending Swansea University on a part-time basis, in order to obtain Conveyancing Practice Rights to become a Lawyer in Conveyancing.
The apprenticeship with ACO Training allowed me to get a clear understanding of what I wanted to do in my working life, giving me direction and support to succeed.