Peter Lynn and Partners Supports Swansea's Homeless

Peter Lynn and Partners are proud to help the homeless in Swansea this year by supporting The Rucksack Appeal Swansea.
Coordinated by team-member Paula Stockley, The Rucksack Appeal Swansea aims to provide Rucksacks filled with essentials items to hand out to anyone who finds themselves homeless or rough sleeping for the first time.
Paula commented, “We set up an appeal over Christmas 2016 to collect rucksacks filled with essential items for homeless & rough sleepers and managed to hand out 20 rucksacks on Christmas Day and donated excess items to Ogof Adullum, a drop-in centre open 5pm-9pm every Monday, Wednesday, Saturday”.
The rucksacks contain essential items such as sleeping bags, toiletries, warm clothing, water, socks, waterproofs and fundraising is either by direct donations to the Just Giving Page or by collecting raffle prizes from local businesses in Swansea.
The appeal is not just for Christmas either, explained Paula “We also provided 50 bags containing suncream and other items over the summer period”.
So far Paula has 11 filled rucksacks & three full bags of extra items to donate to Ogof Adullum on Saturday 23rd Dec and the appeal is something the firm was only too happy to support.
Senior Partner Peter Lynn commented, “Paula is a new member of our team, and when she explained what she was doing to help the homeless in our city this Christmas, we were more than happy to help”.
You can donate on the Just Giving page by clicking:
For more information, visit