Leading south Wales solicitors firm makes important promotion

Expanding Welsh solicitors firm Peter Lynn & Partners has announced a key promotion with consultant Catrin Stephens being made a partner.
“This is a well deserved elevation. Catrin is a highly experienced solicitor specialising in family & matrimonial law and she has obtained fantastic results for major clients in their matrimonial settlements,” said Peter Lynn, Senior Partner at PL&P.
“Making her a partner reflects her renewed level of commitment to the firm and its professional clients.”
Catrin has specialist knowledge in cases involving the military and civil forces and acts for policemen, firemen, and armed forces personnel as well as for prominent business people.
“I am absolutely delighted to have been made a partner at PL&P,” said Catrin.
“Ever since joining the firm I have enjoyed every minute of the hard work and the success Peter Lynn & Partners has achieved and I can’t wait for the challenges ahead.”
Having graduated from Keele University in Staffordshire with a BA (Hons) in Law & English, Catrin went on to study at the College of Law, Chester before pursuing her chosen career path of becoming a solicitor and joined PL&P in 2006.
Catrin is an accredited member of The Law Society’s Family Law Panel and is an integral part of the Peter Lynn legal team at Swansea’s Head Office in Langdon House, SA1.
Family Law can be very emotive and Catrin understands the sensitivities associated with divorce and family disputes. Catrin is also qualified as a family mediator.