Law Firm Celebrates 20 Years in Business

Leading regional law-firm, Peter Lynn and Partners, has just celebrated 20 years in business.
The Swansea based legal practice, which has branches throughout South Wales, was set up from an office in Morriston in 1999 and has grown quickly to become one of the major law firms in South West Wales.
Senior Partner, Peter Lynn, said, “it only seems like yesterday that I started the firm and I am proud to see how far we have come since those early days in Morriston when it was just myself and a secretary.”
From humble beginnings, the firm now employs over 75 members of staff, including 50 lawyers who specialise in all aspects of law, making them one of the largest legal practices in the area.
Helping the firm celebrate their birthday were over 250 friends, family as well as many old and new clients who enjoyed the festivities at Swansea’s Liberty Stadium earlier this month.
“It was great to see so many people who have played an integral role in making Peter Lynn and Partners what it is today,” said Peter, “and being able to celebrate with them all and reflect on our journey over the last 20 years was quite emotional.”
As the firm continues to go from strength to strength, the future looks bright as Peter outlined, “We have put in place the investment, structures and people to enable us to realise our growth goals over the next 5 – 10years, and through acquisition as well as organic expansion, we intend to expand to additional areas across South Wales and beyond.”