Encore for Jazz Music Club Sponsorship

Leading regional law firm Peter Lynn and Partners have continued their sponsorship of Swansea Jazzland, Wales’ premier jazz music club.
From its new base at The Garage @ Whitez, in Uplands Crescent, the jazz club showcase a wide range of talent from upcoming local artists to nationally recognisable stars.
Club representative, Dave Cottle said, “we present weekly Jazz performances every Wednesday along with Friday special events and additional workshops and Pop Up Jazzland events at venues around the City and commercial support such as this from Peter Lynn and Partners is a major boost to the running of the club.”
The sponsorship forms part of the law firms commitment to helping the local community, mainly through the sport and the arts. Peter Lynn commented, “giving something back to the communities where we have a local office is key to our corporate social responsibility strategy, and we are pleased to be able to help Swansea Jazzland and its members through this sponsorship deal.”