Divorce During the Coronavirus Lockdown

During these exceptional times, it can be even more stressful and confusing to take the decision to start Divorce proceedings, and for those in the midst of the process, it may seem difficult to imagine how matters may be progressed.
To alleviate some of those concerns, we have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions regarding Divorce during the pandemic:
1. My partner and I were separated prior to lockdown, and I had been contemplating issuing proceedings when lockdown occurred. Can I still take steps to apply for a Divorce whilst restrictions are in place or should I wait?
You can certainly start the Divorce process during the lockdown.
Our Divorce team remains fully operational during this time and have adapted to remote working to do so. The Courts are also still operating, and therefore they are still able to process your application.
We understand that making the decision to start divorce proceedings can be huge and so are still here for clients who have questions about the divorce process or need to take the next steps, despite the lockdown.
2. I issued Divorce proceedings before the lockdown, and there are financial matters arising from the Divorce which I need to resolve as soon as possible. How can I deal with these issues when it’s not possible to meet with my Solicitor and discuss these matters?
Since lockdown restrictions have been in place, our team has adjusted client appointments so that they can take place remotely, such as over the telephone, via Skype or similar platforms such as Zoom.
This has meant that we have been able to maintain negotiations with your spouse’s Solicitor and are minimising any delays caused by the Covid 19 situation and continue the divorce proceedings.
3. I have a hearing listed shortly following my application for a Financial Order within the divorce proceedings. What will happen to this hearing – will it be postponed until after the restrictions have been lifted?
The restrictions should not prevent the hearing from going ahead. The Courts are taking steps to arrange hearings remotely where possible meaning that there will not be any unnecessary delay.
The bottom line in this situation is that even though as a country we are going through some very difficult times, our Divorce team is still fully operational and capable of assisting you with your Divorce in our usual professional and sensitive manner.
For expert advice, please contact our Divorce team on 01792 450010 or email [email protected] and visit this web-page for more info: