Bursary Contribution Hits Right Note

Swansea based law firm, Peter Lynn and Partners have contributed a bursary prize at the 2019 Abertawe Festival for Young Musicians (AFYM) concert.
The festival, which took place in March at the Taliesin, celebrates the talents of up and coming musicians from the local area and the bursary prize is awarded as part of the festivities.
“We have been involved with the AFYM concert for a number of years,” said Peter Lynn, “and are always blown away by the talent of these young musicians.”
Attracting musicians from all over South Wales, the Festival Concert features performers who have been recommended by the adjudicators for such qualities as the excellence of performance or unusual combinations of instruments.
Sonia Gittoes, a committee member with AFYM said, “We are grateful to Peter Lynn and Partners for continuing to provide a bursary and for their ongoing support of the concert.”
This year’s bursary winner was David Ingham, a 13-year-old flautist who will be using the bursary to purchase a new flute. “I started learning the flute six years ago and picked it up quickly,” said David, “however my current flute is a second-hand beginners flute which is very old and a particular rod slips out of place regularly, so I am pleased to have won the bursary as I can now buy a flute of a higher standard.”